Styles: Fashion for all ages (15-20)
I think it is very important to know about fashion depending our age, how many times we go shopping and we like a lot a dress (for example), and then friends or family tell us that it makes us look older that we are.
Esto depende mucho del estilo que más nos guste, y de si buscamos lucir sofisticadas o si preferimos un look mas bohemio, solo por mencionar algunos.
It depends on which style we like more, if we want to look sophisticated or if we prefer a bohemian look, just to mention some.
Nosotros no controlamos el tipo de ropa que venden las tiendas, o lo que nos gusta, pero si podemos hacer la diferencia con un simple pero significativo accesorio o incluso un par de zapatos originales.
We don't control what kind of clothes stores sell or what we like, but we can make a difference with a simple but significant accessory or even an original pair of shoes.
Forever 21
Así que vamos a comenzar con el tipo de moda que les va más a las jovencitas de entre 15 y 20 años.
So, let´s going to start with fashion for girls between 15 and 20 years old.
So, let´s going to start with fashion for girls between 15 and 20 years old.
Abercrombie and fitch
Algunas de las marcas que yo recomendaria para estas edades, serian: forever 21, free people, rue 21, aeropostale, american eagle, abercrombie, hollister, bebe, zara trafaluc, bershka,topshop, primarka y pull bear, incluso en México hay algunas marcas low cost como Stop, Lob, Lavoro y Locura.
Brands i would recommend for this ages would be forever 21, free people, rue 21, aeropostale, american eagle, abercrombie, hollister, bebe, zara trafaluc, bershka,topshop, primarka and pull and bear and even in México there are some low cost stores like stop, lob, lavoro and Locura.
Miranda and Victorious
Celebridades como Selena gómez, Victorious, Miranda cosgrove, elle y dakota fanning, y la reina por excelencia, Tylor Swift pueden servirte mucho de inspiración, ya que sus looks suelen ser muy juveniles, dulces y femeninos.
Celebrities like Selena gómez, Victorious, Miranda cosgrove, elle and dakota fanning, and the queen by excelence, Tylor Swift, can serve you alot of inspiration.
Selena and Tylor
Elle Fanning
Dakota Fanning
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me encanto!! super padre post!!